Sending an Interview Acceptance Email

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Congratulations! You scored that interview. What should you do next? It's a good idea to accept and confirm the interview with an email even if you have spoken with the hiring manager or human resources representative on the phone.

That way, you can be certain you have all the details correct, you know where you're going, when you should be there, and who you will be meeting with (and you will have a record of your appointment).

Tips for Confirming a Job Interview

A confirmation email is also an opportunity to ask logistical questions you might have (e.g., where is the office located, who exactly will you be speaking with during the interview, or do you need to bring anything specific).


A confirmation email also serves as a reminder to you and the hiring manager, and it's an excellent opportunity to reiterate your interest in the position. 

Read below for more information on sending an interview acceptance email, and review examples of emails in which the writers accept and confirm a job interview. The first letter is a simple confirmation, and the second example letter asks for clarification on some interview details. The second example also reiterates the job candidate's interest in the job.

When to Send the Email

Ideally, you'll send this email soon after you receive notice of the interview (often through an email or phone call).

That said, you may not always need to send an interview acceptance email: When you receive notice of an interview, hiring managers might mention that they plan to send a confirmation email to you. If that's the case, wait for the email to arrive. If you don't receive a confirmation message within a day or two, follow up with the hiring manager to confirm.


There is no need for you to send an email if the hiring manager plans to do so.

When you get an email from an employer confirming an interview, you can simply respond by saying that you are looking forward to meeting with them and appreciate the opportunity.

Interview Acceptance Email Template

Here are some guidelines to keep in mind for what to include as you are writing your interview confirmation email: 

What to Include in the Subject Line

Include the job title and your name in the email subject line:

Subject: Interview Confirmation Job Title - Your Name

Remember, the hiring manager is probably setting up several interviews, including your name makes it easier for them to keep emails sorted. It's also helpful in case your email is forwarded to other interviewers. 

What to Include in the Message

Start with why you're writing. You can start by saying, "Thank you for the opportunity..." or "I'm writing to confirm the interview details..." 

Say thank you. Be sure to thank the email recipient for the opportunity to interview. 

Ask what you should bring. You should always bring several copies of your resume to your interview. However, some companies might want other documents—social security card, portfolio of work, etc.—on hand during the interview. Others might want you to send a sample of work before the meeting.


In your email, you can ask if there is anything you should bring to the interview or if there is any information you can share before the interview. 

Include your contact information. Even though the hiring manager has your contact information, make it easy for them to follow up, if they need to, by including the details in your email signature.

Proofread the message. Even though this is a simple confirmation of an interview, carefully proofread the message before you click send. All your job search correspondence reflects your professional communication skills, and typos or grammatical errors will be noticed.

Send a copy to yourself. It's always a good idea to copy yourself on the message. That way, you'll have a copy in your inbox, and you won't have to search for the message to review the details before the interview.

Tips for Formatting Your Message

Read these guidelines for sending professional email messages if you need help formatting your message before you send it.

Sample Interview Confirmation Letters

Below, review a sample email message accepting an interview and confirming the time of the appointment, as well as an example that asks for confirmation of the interview location.

Both examples offer to provide any additional information the employer might need.

Letter Accepting an Interview Invitation Example

Subject: Sandra Millstone - Interview Confirmation

Dear Mr. Henderson,

Thank you very much for the invitation to interview for the Account Manager position. I appreciate the opportunity, and I look forward to meeting with Edie Wilson on June 30th at 9 AM in your Northampton office.

If I can provide you with any further information prior to the interview, please let me know.

Best Regards,

Sandra Millstone

Letter Accepting an Interview Invitation and Asking Questions Example

Subject: Interview Confirmation - Bob Steenberg

Dear Ms. Morrison,

It was great speaking with you on the phone earlier today. Thank you very much for the invitation to interview for the Editorial Coordinator position at ABC Company. I'm very much looking forward to our conversation, scheduled for May 6, at 3 PM.

When you have a moment, can you confirm that this interview will take place at the downtown location of ABC Company?

I believe that my editorial experience in the technical publishing field makes me an ideal candidate for the position. I look forward to sharing my passion for and skills in editorial work with you.

If I can provide you with any further information prior to the interview, please let me know.


Bob Steenberg

What to Do Before the Job Interview

Learn more about the interviewers. Once an interview is set in stone, you should start researching. Googling the names of the people conducting the interview can help lead to LinkedIn profiles and other social media accounts. This is a good way for applicants to find common ground between themselves and those who will be deciding who to hire.

Connect, don’t stalk. Set the stage for genuine connection with your potential colleagues by showing genuine interest in them as a person—without giving the impression that you’ve been stalking their social media. During your research, you may learn that you have things in common. Use that information wisely. For example, having learned that they’re a fan of your favorite sports team, you might comment on some team paraphernalia in their office. You can also show interest in the interviewer by asking general, ice-breaking questions such as, “How long have you worked here?” or “What’s your favorite part of this job?”

Practice answering interview questions. You don't need to memorize responses, but do take a look at the most common interview questions employers ask and think about how you'd respond. That way, you'll be prepared to ace the interview.

Choose an interview outfit. Don’t leave it until the last minute. Select an outfit that’s professional, comfortable, and appropriate for the company culture. Try it on beforehand to make sure that everything still fits and that you have all the accessories you need. Leave plenty of time to shop for replacements or get something cleaned or mended prior to the interview.

Plan for a smooth commute. Find out how long it will take you to get to an interview, even accounting for bad traffic, and make sure you leave yourself enough time to get there. If possible, do a practice run prior to the interview. If you’re forced to rely on time estimates from an app, build in extra time for contingencies.

Check your technology. If your interview is virtual, check to make sure all your technology is in working order ahead of time, and avoid these common Zoom interview mistakes.

The Bottom Line

When to confirm the details: Sending an email to confirm the interview will ensure you have the correct date, time, and location.

When not to send a confirmation: If you get a confirmation email or call from the hiring manager, you're set.

If you have questions: It's appropriate to use your email to ask questions you may have about the interview process.

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